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Airnode 0.2: What does it mean for API3?

Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2021


A week ago we covertly released Airnode 0.2. It’s clearly a step forward, but what does it mean? How does it impact the API3 ecosystem?

Put simply, Airnode 0.2 is a solid, secure, interface-stable release that dApp developers can and should start building applications with now. It’s time to start building on Airnode.

Is this “production” Airnode?
A source of confusion has been what “production” Airnode actually means. Can Airnode 0.2 be used to build production apps? Yes!

Airnode 0.2 is solid and ready to build on. You can build dApps that use the Airnode Request-Response Protocol (RRP). They will work. The functionality you need for a real dApp is all there. And the RRP interface you use to call Airnode from your smart contracts is unlikely to change significantly, if at all, between now and 1.0.

We are not promoting Airnode 0.2 with a big product launch. Most likely, that will be Airnode 1.0. Airnode has been frozen in pre-Alpha until now. We think of Airnode 0.2 as something like a Beta release.

Is Airnode on Mainnet?
Yes. The Airnode 0.2 requester contract is on Ethereum Mainnet now. You can use Airnode on “production” Ethereum as well as a number of other EVM-compatible blockchain mainnets. There is nothing that prevents you from using Airnode 0.2 to build production smart contracts right now.

Why isn’t 0.2 being promoted as “production” Airnode?
It’s quite normal for software, especially open source software, to go through a Beta phase where it’s used in real-world situations before anointing it “production”.

This release is for early adopters. It’s for developers who understand software development enough to know that while the code is solid, there might be some rough UX edges to work through. Starting now gives you a first-mover advantage in the Web3 API economy and is highly recommended.

Finally, while this version has undergone auditing and there is no reason for concern, we expect more auditing to be done before 1.0.

How can I help?
Are you a Web3 developer? Then start using Airnode in your solutions to gain access to an unprecedented variety of off-chain data and services available to your smart contracts.

Are you a Web2 developer? There has never been a better time to move into Web3. The vast amounts of web APIs you’re used to relying on in Web2 are now available on Web3 via Airnode.

Are you an entrepreneur? If you’re trying to solve a problem that might benefit from trustless, decentralized, and immutable software, it’s time to broaden your solution space and consider Web3 as a viable platform.

Are you a community member? Help inform and educate developers and entrepreneurs about Airnode. Tout the benefits of first-party oracles. Spread the good word.

Learn about Airnode. Read the docs. Join the API3 Github, Discord and Forum. Be part of the beginning of the Web3 API economy.

